“Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto.” — Terentius1

I have an interdisciplinary background thanks to my studies in Biomedical Engineering (Laurea cum Laude at Politecnico di Milano, M.Sc. Bioimaging track at ETH Zurich) covering a broad range of areas including biological methods, chemistry, physiology, neuroinformatics, bioimaging techniques, computer vision, electronics, and data science. I have acquired expertise in machine learning and deep learning during my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luca Benini in the Integrated Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, ETH Zurich. My Ph.D. dissertation is entitled “Near-Sensor Analytics and Machine Learning for Long-Term Wearable Biomedical Systems”. I received an Excellent paper award in IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application and Service (HEALTHCOM) in 2018 and the Ph.D. Fellowship from the Swiss Data Science Center in 2019. My research interests include biosignal processing, brain–machine interfaces, energy-efficient wearable devices, edge computing, machine learning, and deep learning.

Despite the seemingly diverse paths I have taken so far, my motivational drive has always been the same: health and well-being for all. With the acquired technical knowledge in data science and engineering, I would like to go closer now to the patients and make a real-life impact in healthcare.

“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” — 屈原2

  1. “I am human: I consider nothing human is alien to me.” by Terence. It has many interpretations. To my understanding, it expresses the fundamental unity of humankind and the essence of being human. In very simple words: care about others. 

  2. “The way was long, and distant far was my goal; I would ascend and descend, pursuing my search.” by Qu Yuan. The translation that most resonates with me is by James Legge (page 856, verses 49). There is a long road ahead in pursuing the truth in research, but I am determined to pursue and explore it.